Keeper is part of a digital citizen safety platform that allows neighbors to report emergencies and get immediate help from local authorities. Keeper is intuitive, friendly and allows you to report and communicate various types of emergencies and incidents quickly and easily.Being connected, informed and receiving help anytime, anywhere and from any device has never been easier than now with Keeper.The Keeper application has been designed and developed to report medical, civil protection and public safety emergencies.Keeper has an interactive interface for reporting public safety emergencies and a panic button for distress or SOS signals.Keeper also provides you with a chat channel with your Municipality officials, where you can ask questions and make citizen safety complaints.Keeper is part of the citizen security platform to transform your district into a safe and smart city. The platform uses artificial intelligence to improve and streamline emergency response processes in your Municipality. Among the main features of Keeper are:• Keeper helps you report thefts, suspicious activity, crimes, among others.• With Keeper you can request help from: public security, firefighters, ambulances, etc.• Keeper is the tool to collaborate with your community quickly and easily.• With Keeper you receive updates on reported emergencies and their status.• Find out in real time about events happening in your area with Keeper.• Keeper allows you to send multimedia files to report your emergencies• Keeper gives you access to the telephone directory of the main contact numbers in case of emergency: Police, Firefighters, Hospitals, Serenazgo, etc.Dont miss Keepers news on citizen security and follow us on:▸Web:▸Facebook:▸Instagram: helps neighbors improve the quality of community services including: citizen security (Serenazgo), community services and urban development.With Keeper, your Municipality officials will be able to provide you with a faster response to public safety emergencies.Keeper has been developed with innovative geolocation, messaging and multimedia technology, which allows improving citizen security emergency reporting.Join Keeper and lets work together for a smart and safe district, help us improve citizen safety in your Municipality or District. If you have any questions or suggestions about Keeper, its functionalities or would like to purchase it for citizen security in your Municipality, write to us at:
[email protected]